Three of Asia’s Greenest Schools

Global warming and climate change are two familiar concepts but unfortunately, many people tend to ignore these pressing issues. According to Metanoia Eco, a sustainability consultancy, the good news is there are a few people and organizations taking the lead to promote sustainable and green practices to help combat these problems.

Green schools, in particular, are gaining recognition for their smart approach to reducing carbon impact on the planet. Here are three of Asia’s greenest schools that should serve as an example to other academic institutions across the world.

Bangkok Patana School, Thailand

Bangkok Patana School is Thailand’s first and largest British international school. Guided to become global citizens, its students have voted to remove plastic water bottles from snack bars and simply decided to bring their own reusable water bottles. They are also active in beach and reef clean-up drives, advocating responsible trash disposal and recycling. They also hold food drives to donate rice to poor communities and teach about food waste.

Jerudong International School, Brunei

­Jerudong International School is another British international boarding school nestled peacefully in a lush rainforest. The school teaches its students the value of ecosystem conservation. They have a student-led Eco Committee that organizes different events for students, guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Students are encouraged to volunteer for national events like the Ocean Conservancy International Beach clean-up and tree-planting activities.

Australian International School, Singapore

Australian International School has its roof installed with solar panels that can produce a megawatt of electricity that will be directed to the city-wide grid for smaller consumers to buy. Through their sustainability curriculum, the school is able to educate the students about the importance of such initiatives in building a better future. Its two canteens are managed by School by Chartwells, a world-class school food service provider that advocates for healthy food for children.

These schools show that by working hand in hand, humanity can make positive change for the planet. Other schools should learn from them in teaching today’s young learners to create a better future.